Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 reflections

Can't believe it's already New Year's Eve.  Where did 2012 go?  Actually, I've been asking that question a few times this year.  When we hit March, I thought, "How have we gone through 2 months already?"  Then At the end of summer..."What, seriously?  Didn't summer just start??"  And now it's the last day of the year and I feel like we should only be in March, maybe April...crazy how time flies...

I think it's an important exercise to take a look back at your year, and thank God for the blessings.  We used to do this at New Year's family gatherings and I thought it was corny when I was a kid.  I've since changed my tune.  If you don't look back at your blessings, you forget what God has done.  You're unappreciative.  AND you won't have enough faith the next time you hit a problem because you've forgotten what He's carried you through in the past.

If you've read my blog (or you can scroll down quickly if not), you'll clearly see the biggest part of my year - the birth of my first child.  I remember when my wife told me in March that she was pregnant.  She gave me an unexpected gift when she picked me up from work, a pair of Toronto Maple Leaf baby socks.  It took me a second to clue in.  At first I thought, oh that's cool.  And then the revelation hit - "Oh wait!  Does this mean that you're...???"  What a cool moment.

Then a few months later, it was a rough point...just a few days before we were going to tell our families that my wife was pregnant, my aunt (who was always more like a grandmother to me) passed away.  The first very close person to me that I've lost in my life.  Didn't get to tell her our exciting news.  It was hard.  Shock for the first few days, lots of tears during the funeral.

Over the next few months we went through the ups, downs, and excitements of pregnancy...until December 12th.  Leonidas Alexander Sanad Maassarany was born on 12/12/12.  Not enough good things to say about this.  If you are a parent, you know what I'm talking about.  Words aren't adequate, so I'll leave it up to you to remember what it was like when you had your first born.  If you're not there yet, just wait.

Leonidas is amazing.  I just wish my Aunt Sisa got a chance to meet him.  A few things over Christmas sparked memories of her, and it was bit emotional.  I'm sure she's looking down at her honourary 'grandson' and smiling.

Thanks 2012.

Welcome 2013.  Just please don't go so fast.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Leonidas, one week in

So I'm not going to be one of those people that starts posting about their kids every time, but this is still new for me so I think I'm allowed two posts in a row on this.  With that, allow me to share my new favourite picture:

He's so small!  He's like a little bean...  Favourite picture might be an exaggeration cause there are a lot of good ones, but I like this one a lot.

Anyway, just continuing to thank God for such a great blessing over Christmas.  And now that I'm a parent, and with it being so close to Christmas, I've tried to make myself think of what it was like for God to give up his son to die for us.  But I haven't thought about it...because I don't want to.  I guess that in itself is the first step to beginning to understanding it.

Maybe I'll try again...later.

Friday, 14 December 2012


The big news in our lives, my wife gave birth to our first child!!  Leonidas Alexander Sanad Maassarany.  2:39am on Wednesday, which means his birthday is 12/12/12 - we like that a lot.  Hasn't really sunk in yet that I'm a father, and that this little one belongs to me - perhaps because I haven't really slept much the past three days - but I'm thrilled.  Thanking God for such a cool blessing.

As for the name, Leonidas was king of the Spartans in ancient Greece, and he led a few hundred men in holding off an entire Persian army for 3 days (see the movie 300).  Leonidas means lion/lion strength/son of the lion.  The next two names are grandfathers on each side.

Two hours after Leonidas was born:

My wife's favourite pic:

My favourite pic:

One more, just cause...

Friday, 7 December 2012

Get in shape!

Friday mornings I play sports with some guys and gals from the Canadian Forces recruitment centre in Barrie...and it's given me a new found respect for our armed forces.

The sport varies from week to week - basketball, european handball, today was floor hockey.  But no matter what sport it is, these guys are in ridiculous shape!  I'm no slouch, I'm an active guy - but I am put to shame every week.  It's non-stop running for 45 minutes to an hour, and while I'm sweating and out of breath halfway through, these super-humans are showing no signs of slowing down.  One guy is 20 years my senior and he's running circles around everyone - and he doesn't even take water breaks!  They are all very fit, and a few of them are absolutely ripped to boot.

Friday mornings have given me a new appreciation for the men and women who serve our country.  They are constantly in training, and as such are in peak physical condition.  They put their bodies through the paces so that they are always ready to be called on.  They inspire me to keep pushing, even when my body is tired or hurting.  I stopped for a bit during floor hockey today because my lungs felt like they were going to explode...but I wonder if I could have - and should have - kept going.  I bet they would have!  It's the old saying, "mind over matter."

And yes, it brings my faith in perspective too, that I should strive to be the best I can be (emphasis added):

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.  Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.  Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.  No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27