Friday, 29 May 2015


Todd was off this morning and Maria Lopez jumped into the co-host chair.  She did a great job, and something she shared is going to stick with me for a long time.  She talked about a sermon she heard this week from Joel Osteen, who was discussing what to do when you're down or depressed.  That's always a tough place to be, so it's a great message.

Maria/Joel started off by talking about self control - when you're on a diet, you refuse a slice of chocolate cake.  When you're on a budget, you don't go clothes shopping when you don't need to.  And when you're in a bad state of mind, you need to take a 'diet from negative thoughts'.  That was Joel Osteen's phrase, and it hit me.  I've never thought of it that way before.  When you're on a diet, you abstain from certain things.  You stay away from things that you know are not good for you, and load up on what IS good for you.  What a great analogy for where our thoughts should be.  Positive and negative people alike, we all have moments where we need to make sure we're thinking about the good stuff, and not focussing on the bad stuff.  Of course you'll have bad days on your diet, you'll cheat here and there.  But you get back up and keep going.

So do you need to be on a diet from negative thoughts?  I'm sure it would do me some good sometimes.  From now on, consider me permanently on a diet :)

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

God is in control

It's nice to know that God is in control.  Sometimes we get so nervous about...everything...and I think God is up there saying, "Hey.  Breathe.  Chill out.  I got this.  Breathe again.  Relax.  And think about the fact that, really, I got this!"

This is similar to last week's post, but I suppose this my my stage in life right now.  I think God has just been reminding me, "Hey Tim, relax.  I got this."  And even though I know that, I still have nervous moments.  It's funny that we know that God is in control, we can look back and see how He's worked in our lives in the past, He reassures us that He is STILL working...and yet we still get nervous or anxious sometimes.  I suppose that is just our human nature, but that is the wonderful blessing of grace - that God understands our human weaknesses, and He walks with us and comforts us anyway, and tries to remind us along the way that yup, He's in control.

So, hey you, relax!  Oh wait, that's just a mirror.