Monday, 11 June 2012

Oh how we take it for granted...

The world's population is 7 billion people.  It's astonishing to think that 1/7 of those, 1 billion people, don't have access to clean water.

I was at the Water Ambassador's Training Camp at Springvale Baptist Church in Stouffville on Saturday. Let me start by saying I am a very environmentally friendly person, and I try not to waste anything (ask my wife!).  But I was still blown away by some of the things I learned.

Over 30,000 people die every day from water-borne illnesses, which essentially means because they don't have access to clean water.  To put that in perspective, the population of Owen Sound is 21,000.  A group of people the size of Owen Sound - and then some - dies everyday.  Every four days, nearly the population of Barrie is wiped out.  Every three months the population of Toronto dies.  That brings it into perspective, but it's still quite unimaginable.

And even more unimaginable still - how simple the cure is.  Most of us know about drilling wells.  That's a huge source of help to thousands.  But more than just that, there's water purification systems.  A lot of villages have access to water such as a river, but it's not clean.  The solution is simple - a couple of large jugs, a battery, and table salt connected by a few tubes, and you have clean water.  Make it a solar power battery and the contraption can last forever.

In a day and age when all we have to do is turn on the tap and the water will run all day and all night if we let it, we must remember how blessed we are.  While you and I are at work, studying, playing, etc, 1 billion people across the globe don't get to do that because their days consist of hiking miles upon miles to get water - and quite often, dirty water.

Learn more.  It's a crucial cause.  Water Ambassadors Canada does about 20 missions trips a year to dig wells or install water purification systems.  Or they can train you to do your own mission trip with your church.

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