In small group this week, we watched a really cool video from Louie Giglio, one of my favourite speakers. It's called 'Symphony'. The whole 40 minute video is great, but I've posted a small clip of it that was especially neat. I know it's 14 minutes, I know you're busy, but this is sooooo cool. Take a few minutes and watch it.
Assuming you're reading this after you've watched the video...pretty amazing, eh!?
For the cynics, I know Louie put those sounds together to make that song, I realize that. But the larger picture is realizing that it's very true what the Bible says throughout the Psalms and in Luke 19:40, that "the stones will cry out" - that all of creation sings God's praise! Louie went on to talk about the sound a snowflake makes when it hits the ground, and the sound of a flower opening in the spring...sounds that we don't hear, but that God hears and that are part of a beautiful symphony to Him - that are constantly singing to Him in praise.
Whether you're a nature person (like myself) or not, it's neat to realize that all of creation is in constant song to God. How much more should we sing in praise? We are concious beings who can think, reason, and understand, who can talk to God and have a relationship with Him. Let's not let the inanimate objects out-do us.
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