Today is D-Day. It was 69-years ago today that 160,000 allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy. It marked the beginning of the end of a horrific war where millions of lives were lost.
I'm a history buff. I love reading up about this stuff. I don't have any family who were involved in the wars, but being a proud Canadian, today hits me. To think of the sacrifices made, the brave soldiers charging the beaches in the midst of enemy fire - and continuing to run forward when their fellow soldiers, their friends, were dropping after being shot and killed while running right beside them. I couldn't even imagine what that would be like.
I was in France 2 years ago with my wife. We didn't get to any of the beaches unfortunately as our time was short, but we did get to Vimy Ridge. The Vimy Ridge anniversary is in April so it's not quite D-Day, but it's very similar imagery - storming in the face of danger. Standing at Vimy Ridge was one of the most powerful moments of my life. One of the most proud, Canadian moments I've ever had - standing on Canadian soil in the middle of northern France, knowing our soldiers gave up their lives on this very land, to claim it when no one else could. I will never forget Vimy Ridge. Hopefully one day I'll make it to Juno Beach.
I'm a history buff. I love reading up about this stuff. I don't have any family who were involved in the wars, but being a proud Canadian, today hits me. To think of the sacrifices made, the brave soldiers charging the beaches in the midst of enemy fire - and continuing to run forward when their fellow soldiers, their friends, were dropping after being shot and killed while running right beside them. I couldn't even imagine what that would be like.
I was in France 2 years ago with my wife. We didn't get to any of the beaches unfortunately as our time was short, but we did get to Vimy Ridge. The Vimy Ridge anniversary is in April so it's not quite D-Day, but it's very similar imagery - storming in the face of danger. Standing at Vimy Ridge was one of the most powerful moments of my life. One of the most proud, Canadian moments I've ever had - standing on Canadian soil in the middle of northern France, knowing our soldiers gave up their lives on this very land, to claim it when no one else could. I will never forget Vimy Ridge. Hopefully one day I'll make it to Juno Beach.
The view from behind the monument. My wife is in the orange raincoat to the left.
We had the entire place to ourselves. Amazingly serine. Awe-inspiring to the see the monument tower powerfully. It was a wet and dreary day - the perfect way to view such an incredible site.
Another Canadian there before us, remembering a loved one.
Just a reminder - you do have a Grandfather in law who was is the War. Someday maybe he can share some stuff with you.