Friday, 26 July 2013

God's love

I had a conversation with a friend two nights ago who said that he believed he had 'gone too far for God'. We chatted and I shared that that's actually impossible - we can NEVER go to far for God.  Look at Romans 8:38-39 - For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We can't be separated from God's love.  It's a simple as that.  No matter what we've done, how many times we've done it, and how bad 'it' is, God will take us back.  In fact, one of my favourite things about God is that HE'S waiting for US to come back. Look at the prodigal son.

Whether it was before you accepted Christ or after, I think we've all been there.  Before we come to know Christ, we can think that we've done too many bad things.  We can think that God would never take us because we're too 'bad'.  "God could never love me, I've done awful things."

After we accept Christ, it can be the same type of denial, but in a different way.  It's often in the form of a sin we struggle with.  We know we shouldn't do it, and yet we keep falling back into it.  And when this becomes a pattern over days, weeks, months, years, we think that God can't still love us and forgive us because "I know better and yet I'm still sinning."  Yes, it's not good, and yet He knows us better than we know ourselves - He knows we are human and that we will fall.  That's why there's grace.  (*This is not an excuse to sin or fall into grace-abuse.  It's simply a reminder that we can't out-sin God's forgiveness.  We can incur His discipline, but we can't get away from His love.)

I realize this is a generalized statement, but if you're to take one thing away from this blog, it's this - that if you're feeling far from God, it's not because He won't take you back, it's because He's waiting for you to return to Him.

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