Wednesday, 21 August 2013


I don't know why it's a pet peeve of mine when people mispronounce words.  It's probably not fair of me to get annoyed because I'm likely mispronouncing the same word in their ears.  Also a lot of times it's just a dialect thing - Canadians and Americans pronounce certain words differently.  Nonetheless, here are some words that I commonly hear mispronounced, or that my wife and I argue over how to pronounce:

Syrup - I pronounce the 'y'.  Many don't.  Clearly there is a y in the word, it should be pronounced.

Sudbury - Similar to my issue with the pronunciation of syrup, Sudbury is spelled with a 'u', not an e.  It's Sudbury, not 'Sudberry'

Mature - this is a dialect thing I think, but it's probably the one I get most irritated with.  It drives me crazy when people give it the hard 't' sound, instead of a 'ch'.

Schedule - I pronounce it 'skedule'...which happens to be the right way (in my opinion).  It's not shed-ule'.  Again, probably a dialect thing, but still gets under my skin.

Athlete - notice how there is no 'e' between the h and l?  Hence, an 'e' should not be inserted when saying the word.

Lieutenant - 'leuiftenant?  Seriously, is there an 'f' in the spelling?

Garage - it's not a 'Gare-aj', it's a garage.

Thunk - that's not even a word!  'Thought' is the past tense.

There's a lot more, but those are the ones off the top of my head.  Whew...I feel better now.

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